Media Research Project

“The primary objective of the ADC-RI Media Research Project is to research, track, and document anti-Arab and Islamophobic bias in the media, public discourse, and from public officials. This tracking project will serve as a resource tool which will highlight the prevalence of bias and bigotry. The project will expose xenophobia and hatred that target minorities in the U.S., particularly Arab and Muslim Americans.
The project will also celebrate achievements of Arabs and Muslims from around the world.”

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Veteran Arab-American reporter Hala Gorani launches new book

by Khelil

“I would have never guessed you were Syrian. You don’t even look Arab,” he told the blonde and blue-eyed Gorani. She never saw him again, but that defining phrase became the title of her highly anticipated memoir, “But You Don’t Look Arab: And Other Tales of Unbelonging,” which has been newly released in the US and the UK. “The title came before the book, because I’ve heard it my whole life,” Gorani told Arab News from her home in London. “I don’t look anything like a typical Arab in the stereotype that people have in their minds.”

Arab News

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