Media Research Project

“The primary objective of the ADC-RI Media Research Project is to research, track, and document anti-Arab and Islamophobic bias in the media, public discourse, and from public officials. This tracking project will serve as a resource tool which will highlight the prevalence of bias and bigotry. The project will expose xenophobia and hatred that target minorities in the U.S., particularly Arab and Muslim Americans.
The project will also celebrate achievements of Arabs and Muslims from around the world.”

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Author Q&A: Falling short of Muslim inclusion in America

by Khelil

This question-and-answer session with author and professor Evelyn Alsultany discusses her latest book “Broken: The Failed Promise of Muslim Inclusion. Arguing that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives have only facilitated superficial solutions to inclusions of Muslims in arenas like media, academia, and the corporate world. The author addresses hate crimes and hate crime laws, and sees that diversity initiatives are often enacted in times of crisis. While laudable, those initiatives do not result in long-term change. True diversity initiatives must be systemic, and go beyond this or that particular crisis.

Read the full interview here.

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