The International Criminal Court at The Hague finally issued its long-awaited criminal indictments of Israeli Premier Benjamine Netanyahu and his Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. Three Palestinians, including the head of …
Pro-Palestinian campus protests are evolving. Here’s what to watch
by Khelilby KhelilClasses may be over and dorms emptied out for the summer, but the dramatic student support for Palestinian solidarity on a number of campuses hasn’t wrapped up like final exams. …
ActivismCommunityForeign AffairsPalestine
Arab and Palestinian Americans frustrated, left without commitments to policy change after meeting with Blinken
by Khelilby KhelilArab and Palestinian Americans left a meeting with Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Friday night frustrated they did not have a clear understanding of how the Biden administration might …
American doctors trapped in Gaza begin evacuation, including NJ pharmacist and surgeon
by Khelilby KhelilFive Americans ‒ including a New Jersey pharmacist who missed her daughter’s college graduation ‒ who had been trapped in Gaza after Israel sealed borders preventing their crossing, departed the …
Hate CrimesPalestine
Who killed Alex Odeh, whose 1985 bombing death in OC was invoked by UCI protesters?
by Khelilby KhelilColumnist Teri Sforza writes about his unsolved murder in Santa Ana after protesters labeled a building ‘Alex Odeh Hall’. OC Register