Media Research Project

“The primary objective of the ADC-RI Media Research Project is to research, track, and document anti-Arab and Islamophobic bias in the media, public discourse, and from public officials. This tracking project will serve as a resource tool which will highlight the prevalence of bias and bigotry. The project will expose xenophobia and hatred that target minorities in the U.S., particularly Arab and Muslim Americans.
The project will also celebrate achievements of Arabs and Muslims from around the world.”

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Zionists Attack Maher Bitar, Biden Admin Official

On social media, Zionists unleashed bigoted and conspiratorial attacks.

by Khelil Bouarrouj

Maher Bitar, Senior Director for Intelligence Programs at the National Security Council in the Biden Administration, was recently the subject of online attacks by Zionists after Bitar, already a target of pro-Israel partisans, received an additional appointment of special counsel.

On the social media platform X (formerly Twitter), Zionists, including prominent far-right Israeli commentator Caroline Glick, attacked Bitar, who is Palestinian American, in blatantly bigoted and conspiratorial tones. These attacks are not based on Bitar’s views since the official has no public statements on Israel’s war on Gaza. It is merely a continuation of a long-standing Zionist practice of maligning any prominent Arab Americans in positions of influence or power, private and public, to marginalize a community that largely harbors support for Palestinians.

One such example can be seen from Joshua Rosner, a managing director at the consultancy Graham Fisher and Co., who posted a photo of Bitar as a college student in a debka dancing group. Stigmatizing cultural participation as evidence of suspect beliefs is textbook racism.

Zionist influencer Elizabeth Savetsky has posted a video to Instagram blaming Bitar and fellow Biden Administration official Jon Fine for Biden’s decision to withhold some offensive weapons from Israel. Conservative pundit Micheal Savage has named Bitar as an example of Biden “take[ing] the side of Hamas” and “ARABISTS now run the State Dept!”

National Post (Canadian newspaper) and Epoch Times columnist Barbara Kay has attacked Bitar as a “Radical Pro-Palestinian Activist.” Trump’s former ambassador to Israel David Freidman has also jumped on the anti-Bitar bandwagon:

A law professor at George Mason University’s law school, Adam Mossoff, has called Bitar a “pro-Hamas fifth columnist” in an unhinged attack:

And, lastly, a fellow at the conservative Hudson Institute, Ezra A. Cohen, could similarly be seen as part of the onslaught. While Cohen does not mention Bitar by name, the timing of his post casting aspersions on his position may not be coincidental.

In short, Zionists are defaming a professional public servant based on nothing more than his heritage and a photo of him doing a traditional Palestinian dance. Zionists have cited no evidence of any of Bitar’s views or past conduct beyond alleged affiliation with a Palestinian student group, or even proof of his impact on the Biden White House’s Israel policies. Frustrated with Biden’s mainly symbolic rebuke of Israel’s genocidal government, they have latched onto an Arab to blame. This tactic mirrors antisemitic conspiracies that similarly scapegoat Jewish individuals.

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